7 Sports Essential Services

Home Services 7 Sports Essential Services

1. Sports Specific Assessment Programs

Sports-specific assessment programs are specialized evaluations that have been designed to put an athlete’s physical abilities and skills to the test where their individual sport is concerned. These programs are used by coaches, trainers, and other professionals to assess an athlete’s strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and develop training programs that are tailored to their needs.

There are a variety of sports-specific assessment programs, each of which has been designed for a specific sport or group of sports. These include:

Musculoskeletal Assessment (Injury Profile, Flexibility, Stability, Posture)

The musculoskeletal exam is a technique used to identify the functional anatomy associated with clinical conditions. It fundamentally lays the foundation for psychiatric treatment and makes use of various methods such as:

Sports Science Assessment (Force plates)

This is a quick and easy way to assess stability, strength, and movement, all with just a single click. The Force Decks dual force plates also give you unparalleled insights into neuromuscular performance, movement strategies, and asymmetries. 

Essentially Force plates are measuring instruments that measure the ground reaction forces that are generated by a body that is standing on or moving across them. It is used to quantify, balance, gait and other parameters of biomechanics. 

Strength Assessment(1RM)

The one-repetition maximum (1RM) test is a commonly used field-based test of strength. As the name suggests, the 1RM basically defines the maximal weight that can be lifted once, while also maintaining the correct lifting technique. 

The strength assessment or 1RM test is an extremely important procedure because it helps to determine specific load settings for any given training routine. This test is also adopted to determine the efficiency of a training program while at the same time assessing the progress that has been made.

Endurance Assessment (Vo2 Max)

VO2 Max testing measures the maximum amount of oxygen an athlete can consume during intense exercise. This test is commonly used in endurance sports such as distance running, cycling, and triathlons.

The maximal exercise test is usually performed on a treadmill or bike while connected to a machine that has the ability to analyze the air that gets expired by the athlete. The test then provides you with the data on how much oxygen has been consumed during exercise. This in turn determines the maximal oxygen that can be consumed during exercise.

Psychology Assessment – Stress, Confidence, performance anxiety Motivational levels

Psychological assessment is primarily the process of evaluating an individual’s mental health and behavioral functioning with the help of observations, standardized tests, and other methods. A mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatric nurse practitioner is one who usually conducts it. It is used to not only diagnose mental health conditions, but also determine the proper course of action in terms of treatment options, and progress measurement.

There are reasons why these evaluations are important such as:

Nutritional Assessment

This is a detailed, systematic evaluation of an individual’s nutritional status which is conducted by a team of healthcare providers. It is conducted to diagnose malnutrition and other underlying pathologies to plan intervention. There are fundamentally four forms of nutritional assessment: 

7 Sports Essential – Benefits of all under one roof

In order to enhance your individual athletic performance, along with the requisite skills and strategies, you also need a well-rounded development program. With the help of these seven benefits, all available under one roof, that is included in the ISPAN program, you can not only concentrate better, but also deal more effectively with competitive stress, and practice and train more efficiently.

2. Sports Physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy is a specialized area of physiotherapy that focuses on preventing, managing, and treating injuries and conditions that are associated with sports and exercise. We bring you some of the most highly trained professionals who have a deep understanding of the biomechanics of the human body and how it is affected by physical activity. 

Our team also works with athletes of all levels and ages, from beginners to elite athletes, and helps optimize their performance while at the same time minimizing the risk of injury. A variety of techniques are used ranging from manual therapy, exercise therapy, and rehabilitation. Some common conditions that sports physiotherapists treat include,

3. Sports Psychology

This is a study that helps psychologists understand how a variety of psychological factors influence your athletic performance, sports, exercise, and physical activity. Apart from this, sports psychologists can also help enhance the athletic performance of sports stars along with their mental wellness. It is not only the elite and professional athletes who benefit from sports psychologists but also non-athletes and everyday exercisers. 

They use exercise and athletics for the betterment of their lives and mental well-being. They also help in attentional focus, mental toughness, visualization and goal setting, motivation and team building, anxiety issues, and much more

Some of the various types of sports psychologists include:

4. Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition plays a very important part in optimizing the beneficial effects of physical activity. This is irrespective of whether you are a professional bodybuilder, an athlete in training, or simply exercising to improve your mental and physical health. Sports nutritionists have a critical role as they study and implement a diet plan designed for each individual to increase their athletic performance. 

Athletes thus are able to showcase their best performance by getting the right amount of food types such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber, as well as fluids and nutrients to maximize energy and assist in sports recovery.

Here are some of the ways how sports nutrition helps:

5. Sports Specific Strength & Conditioning Program

Sport-specific training is when you have specifically designed fitness and performance training for your athletic performance enhancement. Do it right and this type of training can prove to be extremely beneficial to you as an athlete. 

The main purpose is to stimulate a movement or exercise in a weight room with the primary objective of it manifesting on the playing field. So based on the particular sport you belong to, you will focus on training specific muscle groups and utilizing a specific energy system to improve your skill set and strengthen your body.

A sports-specific conditioning program focuses on the work-to-rest ratio that is used by most athletes. So if you do your workouts with the same ratio your body can perform better as opposed to getting tired.

6. Sports Recovery massage

In this technique, a massage is typically performed as soon as possible following an event. It generally spans 10 to 20 minutes when done soon the after activity. In certain cases, however, a sports recovery massage may be more effective a day or two later. Nevertheless, this is a very important aspect as it gets athletes to return to their normal physiological and psychological state as rapidly as possible and helps in a variety of ways such as

Some of the most popular sports recovery massages include remedial massage, deep tissue massage, and Swedish massage, among others.

7. Yoga

Yoga is an ancient system of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that have survived through generations for their immense benefits. The form of exercise finds its origins in ancient India and basically aims at stilling and controlling the mind. It also aims at creating a unison of the body, mind, soul, and universal consciousness. This way it also lets you experience a deep state of freedom, peace, and self-realization.

Here are some of the important benefits of yoga:

7. Posture Correction

Movement therapy is a process through which a person learns to re-learn their body’s movement. This way they aim to improve patterns of movement that lead to stress-related emotional conditions. There are a variety of movement therapies that trained therapists utilize such as Qigong, Tai chi, Yoga, Massage, and Dance Movement Therapy, to name a few. These are low-intensity forms of psychotherapy that can be practiced by patients of all ages and fitness levels. 

Some other benefits of movement therapy:

8. Programs


This is the most basic level of counseling where the focus is on providing information and education about the psychological aspects of sports performance. The counselor may offer workshops, seminars, or individual consultations to athletes, coaches, or teams to help them develop mental skills such as goal setting, imagery, or self-talk.

Athlete Program

At the athletic program level of sports psychology, counseling is mainly focused on helping athletes improve their mental skills and develop strategies to enhance their performance. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation training, or biofeedback may be incorporated by the counselor in order to help athletes. They are taught to manage stress, anxiety, or other psychological barriers to optimal performance.


At the intermediate level of sports psychology counseling is focused on addressing psychological issues that may be causing a hindrance to an athlete’s ability to participate in sports or achieve their goals. Here, the counselor may work with athletes who are struggling with a range of concerns such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, or other mental health issues that are impacting their athletic performance.

High Performance

Here, the counseling essentially involves working with coaches, trainers, or other professionals who are involved in the overall care of the athlete. They work together toward the development of strategies for optimizing the athlete’s mental and physical well-being. The counselor may provide advice on communication strategies, injury prevention, recovery, or even team dynamics.

9. Tools & Technology

Athlete progress tracking with the help of technology

The advent of newer technology has completely revolutionized the way athletes track their progress and improve/optimize their performance. With the help of these new-age tools, they can also seek personalized coaching and training programs that are tailored to their unique needs and goals. One such popular Progress tracking tool- ATM Customized is used by most therapists for a variety of reasons: